When Our Only Measure Is Fairness
Matthew 20:1-16
by Joel D. Kline

Some years ago The Christian Century included some reflections on this parable by a Congregational Church pastor named Anthony Robinson. Robinson writes of working hard in his garden throughout the spring and summer, only to discover that the most productive part of the garden was a surprise patch of pumpkins and zucchini he never knowingly planted, apparently the result of some seeds included in the compost haphazardly spread on the ground in early spring. It was a reminder that, in spite of all our hard work, so much of what comes our way in life has the quality of gift about it. We do not create it; it far exceeds our expectations.

If our primary concern in life is limited to matters of fairness, we will frequently be disappointed. If we overlook the mystery in life and need to have things neatly explained, gratitude and graciousness will be edged out of our lives. Writes Robinson:

"When our only measure is fairness, when our preoccupation is our just desserts, we lose touch with a sense of grace and graciousness. We forget about the wild zucchinis, the people who love us more than we deserve, and the God who extends generosity and forgiveness to us."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., When Things Just Don’t Add Up, by Joel D. Kline