Three Characteristics of Success
Luke 15:1-32
by Brett Blair

The most successful companies aren't successful because of charismatic leadership or because they found some "great idea" that no one else came up with. Instead, these highly successful companies share three distinct characteristics:

  • First, the focus of each one had always been on a set of core values that never changed.
  • Second, each company always had a purpose that was higher than just making a profit.
  • Third, there was a relentless drive to change and improve everything in the company except their core values, which, for most, had been in place since the early years of the company's existence.

Jesus' church is grounded in the same principles. Our core values are summarized in these words, seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you. In other words, put what God values, first in your life, and the success that really matters, will be added to your life, after that.

If that's our core value then what is our Goal? It is found in these three parables - save that which is lost.

Adapted from Tom Rietveld, Lost People Matter to God, by Brett Blair