Luke 3:1-20 · John the Baptist Prepares the Way
The Shortest Distance Between Two Points
Luke 3:5
Children's Sermon
by Brett Blair

Exegetical Aim: We should allow God direct access to our lives.

Props: Large map of your city, state, or country, and two large washable markers of different colors. One should be red. The red should easily overpower the other color. Unfold the map and place it on the ground before the children arrive. Have them sit around it. Make sure the markers are not permanent.

Lesson: Good morning! (response) I want everyone to sit around our piece of paper. What is this? (a map) Does anyone know what it is a map of? (response) That's right it is a map of the city. Can any of you find your home? Allow time for them to search. What about the church? Can anyone find the church? Allow them to search. I am going to help you find the church. The church is right here. What are all these lines on the map? (streets) Show them the streets that surround the church and a couple of landmarks in the neighborhood.

There is one more thing I want you to try to find. Can anyone find the zoo? (response) You could also pick three or four landmarks on the four corners of the map from which various teams can start. The museum, the park, and the McDonald's are other possibilities. This is not a race. You are letting them carefully and exactly trace the paths between the church and the landmarks.

I want you to take this marker and follow the streets drawing a path from the zoo to the church. A majority of time may be spent here. When they are done: Show me how to get to the zoo. It really took a lot of twists and turns to get to the zoo. How many turns did you have to make? (response) The roads are really crooked, aren't they? (response) I have a question for you. If you were going to build a quick road between the zoo and the church, how would you build that road? (straight) Here is a red marker. Show me what that road would look like. A ruler or yard stick to aid in the drawing of the line would help here.

Application: [When they are done, hold up the map for everyone to see.] Now you can see all the crooked roads and turns we have to take. Have a child show the congregation the crooked path by tracing the path with his/her finger. But if we could, we would make straight roads. Have another child show the straight path. Isaiah, in the Bible, talked about making the crooked roads straight and making the rough ways smooth. He was telling us to get ready for God and to give him a straight road into our lives. We shouldn't make God take a left turn and then a right turn and give him crooked roads to travel. God wants us to open our hearts and let him in right now.

Let's Pray: God, we are going to make straight paths for you to come into our lives. We open our hearts fully to your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

CSS Publishing Company, Children's Sermons A to Z, by Brett Blair