The Idiot
Matthew 10:40-42
by King Duncan

In Dostoevsky's novel The Idiot the central character is Prince Myshkin, who does not fit in to the society around him. His peers are striving for status and power. They judge each other on the basis of money or appearance or family connections. In their world, there is no real friendship or intimacy.

People use each other to meet their own needs. And into this world walks Prince Myshkin. He just doesn't get it. He treats everyone, whether poor or rich, with respect and kindness. He has no hidden agenda, no need to dominate others. He is pure in thought, word, and deed. This makes him a fool in other's eyes. At the same time, all these empty, cynical, status-seeking people are strangely drawn to him. He attracts others, not through money or power, but through the strength of his character.

The Idiot. If that is what an idiot is, I wish that we could all be idiots for Christ.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan