That Looks Like Joe Bob
Humor Illustration

I've had days like this: A couple of country bumpkins were tramping along the railroad tracks when they found a human leg.

"You know what that looks like?" one boy said to the other. "That looks like Joe Bob's leg."

After looking at it a few minutes, the boys agreed that it was Joe Bob's leg.

They resumed their walking, but soon came upon a tattooed arm.

"Funny thing," one boy remarked. "This looks an awful lot like Joe Bob's arm."

"It do indeed," his friend answered.

Later on down the tracks, they found a head.

"Now I'm fer certain that that's Joe Bob's head," one boy asserted.

The other boy reached down and grabbed the head by the ears, shook it, and yelled, "Joe Bob! Joe Bob! Is you hurt?

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Humor from ChristianGlobe