Ribbons of Forgiveness
Matthew 5:21-26
by Maxie Dunnam

A man was riding one day on a train.  Seated next to him was a troubled young man, a convict returning from prison.  His crime had brought shame to his family, but he wanted to come home again.  To make it easy for his family, he had written them to put up a signal when the train passed their farm on the outskirts of town.  If they wanted him to return home, they were to tie a white ribbon in the apple tree near the tracks.  If they did not, they were to do nothing and he would stay on the train, go west, and lose himself forever. 

Nearing his hometown, the young man could take it no longer.  The other fellow offered to watch for him and the two changed places by the window.  In a few minutes the friend laid his hand on the young man’s shoulder and whispered in a broken voice, “It’s all right -- the whole tree is white with ribbons!” 

Is there anyone you’re staying away from because you’re afraid they won’t forgive and accept you?  The chances are you’re mistaken.  Test it.  You might find the ribbons of forgiveness which would make your whole life more joyful.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam