Persisting over Rebukes
Mark 10:46-52
by James W. Robinson

The detrimental effects of rebuke cannot be minimized. It can have a stultifying impact. It can severely strain persistence, and drive a person to distraction. Rebuke has silenced many a sensitive soul.

A man once allowed himself to be smothered by rebuke at a continuing-education event attended by fifty of his peers. One lecture had been especially stimulating, evoking spirited discussion. This man arose to raise a question relating to a point made by the lecturer, who failed to answer to the man's satisfaction. Shaking his head bewilderedly, he took his seat, only to rise again to seek clarification. This time, the speaker glared wordlessly at him, while other class members vehemently insisted that he sit down and remain quiet. The poor man meekly acquiesced. He slid into his seat and thereafter maintained a discreet silence. The man's inquiries had been reasonable, and politely phrased. He had simply sought light on an important subject, and everyone present would have benefited if he had been permitted to complete his line of questioning. But he folded weakly, cowed by the frown of rebuke, and left the room with feelings of frustration and futility.

Not so with Bartimaeus. Despite all the cries of, "Shut up, blind man! Can't you see Jesus is busy?" he persisted and got the reward he deserved. 

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., A Cup Running Over, by James W. Robinson