Our Everyday Life Isn’t Everyday
Mt 17:1-9; Gen 1
by Brett Younger & Brett Blair

When middle C is struck on the piano the piston of bones in your inner ear vibrates exactly 264 times a second. Each day you think about 50,000 different thoughts. When you flex your hand you are using seventy different muscles. There are 6000 biological differences between men and women. On the surface of your body there are as many bacteria as there are people on the surface of the earth. (I should have skipped that one.) The mystery of your birth, the mystery of the love you feel, the mystery of the deepest part of you are all most improbable. You are an incredible contingency.

Sam Keen wrote, "I suspect that we are all recipients of cosmic love notes. Messages, omens, voices, revelations, and appeals are all part of each day's events. If only we know how to listen, to read the signs." Our everyday life isn't everyday. The surface of what we see and hear isn't all there is. When you laugh, when you cry, when you feel something happening inside, open yourself to the possibilities. The potential of the life that we have been given is breathtaking. Open your eyes. Listen carefully. Pay attention.

Glimpses of Glory, by Brett Younger & Brett Blair