Mark 10:1-12 · Divorce
Motorcycles, Marriage And A Word From God
Mark 10:1-12
by King Duncan

Rev. Neil Parker of Burnaby, British Columbia says he insists on only two things when he performs a wedding: He must meet with the bride and groom before the ceremony, and he doesn't do weddings in unusual places, like parachuting or underwater, for example. But he broke both rules once.

He'd agreed to do this wedding on two days' notice when the minister who was to officiate was unavailable due to a family emergency. He had the details of the location (well out of town, on a farm); he knew the names of the bride and groom; and he knew that they'd done pre-marital sessions with the other minister. He also knew that the congregation would consist of one hundred and forty bikers who had come up for the weekend. And the wedding was to be a surprise to all but a handful of the guests.

Rev. Parke…

Dynamic Preaching, Collected Sermons, by King Duncan