Life As Stewardship
by Michael P. Green

Epictetus, a Stoic philosopher, is recorded as having said the following:

“Never say about anything, ‘I have lost it,’ but only ‘I have given it back.’ Is your child dead? It has been given back. Is your wife dead? She has been given back. ‘I have had my farm taken away., Very well, this too has been given back. Yet it was a rascal who took it away. But what concern is it of yours by whose instrumentality the Giver called for its return? So long as He gives it to you, take care of it as of a thing that is not your own, as travelers treat their inn” (The Encheiridion, 11).

If this non-Christian could see all of life as a stewardship, how much more should we believers?

Baker Books, 1500 Illustrations for Biblical Preaching, by Michael P. Green