Know What To Do by Habit
by Brett Blair & Will Willimon

In the little village of Le Chambon in France, the people, unlike others in France, hid their Jews from the Nazis. What sort of courageous, ethical heroes could risk all to do such extraordinary good? If we were to travel back in time and visit the people in the village, we would be overwhelmed by the ordinariness. They weren't heroes or exceptionally smart, discerning people. So why? Why were they so...compassionate? The one factor that united them was their attendance, Sunday after Sunday, at their little church, where they heard the sermons of Pastor Trochme. Over time, they became by habit people who just knew what to do and did it. When it came time for them to be courageous, the day the Nazis came to town, they quietly did what was right. One old woman, faked a heart attack when the Nazis came to search her house. She has been quoted as saying, "Pastor always taught us that there comes a time in every life when a person is asked to do something for Jesus. When our time came, we knew what to do."

And as I stand before you, my flock, I can say, you too would know what to do, if the time came. I think you have that...habit.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair & Will Willimon