Luke 3:1-20 · John the Baptist Prepares the Way
God's Training Wheels
Luke 3:1-20, Luke 3:21-38
Children's Sermon
by Brett Blair

Exegetical Aim: To teach that baptism is a foundational event in the life of a Christian.

Props: Bicycle training wheels.

Lesson: Good morning. (response) What do I have in my hands? (response) How many of you have bicycles? (response) How old were you when you learned to ride? (response) Who taught you how to ride? (response) Before you learned to ride you had to use some special wheels. What were they called? (training wheels) That's right and these are training wheels. What would have happened, when you got on your bicycle for the very first time, if you had not had these? (response) You would have fallen. And, why would you have fallen? (response)

Application: Can you think of some other things that act like training wheels that keep us from falling? (studying -- learning the alphabet, practice -- playing your scales) What about in your Christian life? Are there things that act like training wheels? (response) Reading your Bible is like using training wheels. All of us -- you, me, the minister, and your mom and dad -- we all need God's help to keep us from falling and doing things that are wrong. Can you think of something other than the Bible that keeps us from falling? (response) Another thing that holds us up is baptism. Even Jesus himself was baptized. He received baptism because he wanted to be obedient to God. Some of you have already been baptized. We need to be baptized because that is another way in which God works in our life and helps us keep from falling. Sometimes I don't feel very close to God but then I remember: I was baptized into the family of God! I am his child.

Hold up one of the training wheels: So I read the Bible and it helps support me on one side. Hold up the other wheel: And I remember that I have been baptized into the family of God and that helps support me on the other. Those are two great training wheels.

Let's Pray: Dear Lord, hold me up and keep me from falling. Amen.

CSS Publishing Company, Children's Sermons A to Z, by Brett Blair