Everyone Wants a Winner
Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
by Bill Bouknight

Bishop Ernest Fitzgerald tells about a slightly crooked Texan who was a big racer of horses. He took one of his prize thoroughbreds to London for an international race. The Texan was back in the stable area prior to the race feeding his horse some suspicious-looking little white pills. The Duke of Marlborough who also had a horse in the race, happened to see what the Texan was doing. "My good man," he said, "Don't you know that that is illegal. You cannot give a horse any performance-enhancing drugs. I will have to report you."

The Texan said, "wait a minute, Duke. These are nothing but little sugar pills." with that, the Texan popped one into his mouth and began chewing it. He handed one to the Duke who chewed it and said, "Yes, it does taste like sugar. I'm afraid I falsely accused you, my man. Please forgive me." "Think nothing of it," said the Texan. The Duke headed back to the grandstands.

Just then the jockey walked up who was to ride the Texan's horse. The Texan said to him, "Now listen to my instructions and you can't help but win. As soon as the race begins, get this horse into an outside lane, because there is nothing here that can catch him, except me and the Duke of Marlborough."

You and I have something in common with that Texan. We want to back a winner in every phase of our living.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Bill Bouknight