Courteously and Graciously
Mark 10:46-52
by James W. Moore

Maybe this is why some of the books we see in our bookstores today bother me: I just can't get in my mind the picture of Jesus rushing to a bookstore to buy a book entitled, Negotiating from Power or Winning by Intimidation. Somehow these ideas seem diametrically opposed to the spirit of Christ. 

Please notice that when Jesus comes face to face with Blind Bartimaeus, He doesn't grab him by the collar and say, "I know what you need! I know what you want." No! Courteously, graciously, gently, humbly, Jesus asks him the question, "What do you want Me to do for you?" He lets Bartimaeus tell Him what he wants and needs. 

I think many married couples make a tragic mistake right at this point. During courtship, they are kind, patient, courteous, thoughtful, and considerate. But then they come back from the honeymoon drawing the battle lines, worrying about who is in control, trying to dominate each other.., and they forget that Christian love is never domineering. Jesus shows us that dramatically when He says to Bartimaeus, "What do you want Me to do for you?"

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by James W. Moore