Bleacher Bums
by Jim Smoke

Have you ever sat so far away from the action on a baseball field that you would have had a better view in front of your television set at home? You squint in the sunlight from the far reaches of the left field stands and notice that there are a host of people sitting right behind homeplate - the best seats in the stadium. You confess to a great deal of envy and wish that you were important enough to own season tickets to those select quarters. Often it is the rich, famous, and very important people in our world who occupy those seats. Many of us bleacher bums would give a lot to sit where those people sit. They have the best of the best and we look upon them with envy.

The ordinary Christian and the ordinary baseball fan have a lot in common. Both seem to want conditions to be far better than they are. There is apparently little contentment in knowing that others have a better seat in the kingdom of God than you do.

Ordinary Christians should highly esteem those whom God places in leadership positions within the Christian community. But we should not tolerate those leaders who install themselves as pedestal people or Christian gurus. Our identity is not linked to our position or associations. Our identity is founded in who we are in Christ Jesus.

Ordinary Christians aren’t looking for the best seat. But they are looking for God’s place for them!

Harvest House Publishers, Whatever Happened to Ordinary Christians?, by Jim Smoke