All You Need Is Direction
by Maxie Dunnam

A man who was traveling in northern Vermont had the distinct impression that he was on the wrong road. He stopped in a village, rolled down his car window and called to one of the villagers to come over and help him. "Friend," he said, "I need help.  I'm lost."

The old villager looked at him a moment and then said, "Do you know where you are?" The man replied, "Yes, I know where I am.  I saw the name of the village on the sign as I entered."

"Good," said the old villager, "I'm glad you know where you are."  Then the old villager asked another question.  "Do you know where you want to be?"

The traveler, a little mystified at this strange line of questioning, nevertheless replied that he did and named his destination.  "So you know where you are and you know where you want to be?" said the villager. The traveler just nodded his head. Then the old villager said a profound thing.  "My friend, if you know where you are and you know where you want to be, then you ain't lost.  All you need is directions!

We all know that don't we? The question is from whom or where are we seeking direction.

In this new year, I invite you to live with the bible daily and worship with god's people weekly.  I don't know any other more proven sources of direction, joy, and peace.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., by Maxie Dunnam