Faber, Frederick W. 1Faber, Frederick William 2Fabre, Jean-Henri 1Fadiman, Clifton Paul 5Fadiman, Dorothy 1Fairbrother, Nan 1Fairlane 1Fairless, Benjamin F. 1Falcone, Giovanni 1Falconer, William 1Fallaci, Oriana 3Fallon, Jimmy 1Fallows, James 1Falls, Cyril 2Falls, Rebecca 1Faludi, Susan 1Falwell, Jerry 6Faraday, Dr. Ann 1Farage, Nigel 1Farjeon, Eleanor 6Farley, James A. 1Farmer, Frances 2Farmiga, Vera 1Farnham, Eliza 1Farquhar, George 2Farrar, Frederic W. 1Farrell, Colin 3Farrell, James T. 1Farrell, Joseph 2Farrell, Warren 2Farrer, Austin 1Fathers, The Desert 4Faulkner, William 5Fawcett, Chris 1Fawcett, Farrah 3Feather, William 30Feibleman, James 1Feiffer, Jules 2Feirstein, Bruce 1Feller, Bob 1Fellini, Federico 5Felltham, Owen 1Feltham, Owen 1Fenelon, Francois de 13Ferber, Edna 6Ferguson, Craig 1Ferguson, David 1Ferguson, Marilyn 2Fergusson, Harvey 1Fermi, Enrico 4Fern, Fanny 1Ferrara, Abel 2Ferraris, Victor R. 1Ferraro, Geraldine 4Ferre, Nels F. S. 1Ferret, Gene 1Ferrier, Susan 1Fessenden, Samuel 1Feynman, Richard 4Fichte, Immanuel Hermann von 1Fichter, Jean Paul 1Ficke, Arthur Davison 1Fiebig, Jim 4Fiedler, Edgar R. 4Field, David Dudley 1Field, Eugene 3Field, Joanna 4Field, John Hancock 1Field, Rachel 2Field, Sally 1Fielding, Henry 9Fielding, Sarah 1Fields, Debbi 6Fields, Dorothy 1Fields, Totie 1Fields, W. C. 19Fillmore, Charles 1Filson, Floyd V. 1Fine, Robert M. 1Fineman, Howard 1Fink, David Harold 1Finkelstein, Edward S. 1Finley, Charles O. 1Finley, Guy 3Finley, John 2Finney, Charles G. 1Finod, De 1Fiorina, Carly 11Firestone, Harvey S. 7Firkins, Oscar W. 1Firth, Colin 1Fischer, Bobby 1Fischer, Ernst 2Fischer, Martin H. 3Fish, Stanley 1Fishel, Elizabeth 3Fisher, Admiral John 1Fisher, Derek 1Fisher, Dorothy Canfield 4Fisher, Geoffrey 2Fisher, Irving 1Fisher, M. F. K. 1Fisher, Martin H. 1Fiske, John 1Fittipaldi, Emerson 1Fitz-Gibbon, Bernice 1Fitzgerald, Edward 2Fitzgerald, Ella 2Fitzgerald, F. Scott 35Fitzgerald, Gerald B. 1Fitzgerald, Robert 1Fitzgerald, Zelda 1Fitzhenry, R. I. 5Fitzosborne, Thomas 2Fitzsimmons, Cotton 1Flaccus, Aulus Persius 1Flack, Roberta 1Flagg, Fannie 1Flanagan, Dennis 1Flanders, Alberta 1Flandrau, Charles Macomb 1Flanigan, Joe 1Flaubert, Gustave 24Flavel, John 2Fleet, Lord Thomson of 1Fleishman, Jerome P. 2Fleming, Alexander D. 1Fleming, Ian 1Flemming, Paul 1Fletcher, Admiral Frank Jack 1Fletcher, Beaumont and 1Fletcher, Ernie 1Fletcher, Horace 1Fletcher, John 3Flores, Fernando 2Florio, John 4Flynn, D. O. 1Flynn, Errol 1Flynt, Larry 1Fo, Dario 1Foch, Ferdinand 2Foch, Marshal Ferdinand 2Foer, Jonathan Safran 1Fogelberg, Dan 1Foley, Elizabeth 1Foley, Rae 1Foligno, Saint Angela of 4Follett, Mary Parker 4Follin, G. W. 1Fonda, Henry 1Fontaine, Jean de la 44Fontane, Theodore 1Fontenelle, Bernard de 2Foote, Samuel 1Foote, Shelby 2Forbes, B. C. 40Forbes, Malcolm 19Forbes, Malcolm S. 2Forbes, Steve 1Ford, Anna 1Ford, Betty 1Ford, Don 1Ford, Gerald 1Ford, Gerald R. 7Ford, Harrison 1Ford, Henry 52Ford, Leighton 1Forest, Lee de 1Forester, C. S. 1Forrest, Nathan Bedford 2Forsey, Eugene 1Forster, E. M. 36Forster, Mark 1Forsyth, Bill 1Forsyth, Peter Taylor 1Forsythe, Peter T. 1Fort, Charles 1Fosdick, H. E. 2Fosdick, Harry Emerson 19Fosdick, Raymond B. 1Foss, Sam Walter 3Fossey, Dian 1Foster, Alan Dean 1Foster, Bill 1Foster, Jodie 2Foster, John 2Fountain, John 1Fourier, Charles 1Fournier, Ron 1Fowler, Charles H. 1Fowler, Gene 1Fowler, Simon 1Fowles, John 2Fox, Charles James 1Fox, Emmet 6Fox, George 2Fox, Matthew 4Fox, Michael J. 2Foxworthy, Jeff 6Foxx, Redd 2France, Anatole 46Francis, Arlene 1Francis, Brendan 10Franck, Frederick 1Francke, Katherine 1Frank, Anne 17Frank, Dorothea Benton 1Frank, Robert 1Frankel, Bethenny 8Franken, Rose 1Frankenberg, Lloyd 1Frankfurter, Felix 8Frankl, Viktor 11Franklin, B. 2Franklin, Benjamin 183Franklin, Jon 1Franks, Lucinda 1Franz, Dennis 1Franzblau, Rose N. 1Fraser, Benton 1Frayn, Michael 1Frazer, Sir James 1Frazier, E. Franklin 1Frazier, Joe 1Frederick, Robert E. 1Free, Spencer M. 1Freedman, Ruth P. 2Freehill, Maurice 1Freeman 1Freeman, David T. 1Frehley, Ace 1Freire, Paulo 1Freud, Anna 3Freud, Clement 1Freud, Sigmund 40Freudenthal, Dave 1Frick, Ford 2Friday, Nancy 2Friedan, Betty 5Friedenberg, Edgar 1Friedenberg, Edgar Z. 3Friedman, Colonel Michael 1Friedman, Cynthia 1Friedman, Dr. Martha 1Friedman, Kinky 2Friedman, Milton 3Friedman, Thomas 1Friedmann, Isaac 1Friedrich, Caspar David 2Friedrich, Otto 1Friend, Charles Dickens in Our Mutual 1Frimer, Aryeh 1Fripp, Patricia 2Fripp, Robert 4Frisch, Max 3Frist, Bill 5Frohman, Charles 1Frohman, Daniel 1Fromm, Erich 43Frost, David 5Frost, Paul 1Frost, Robert 70Froude, James 7Froude, James A. 3Froude, James Anthony 7Frum, David 1Fry, Christopher 7Fry, Dr. William F. 1Fry, Stephen 6Frye, Northrop 7Fucik, Julius 1Fuentes, Carlos 3Fulbright, J. William 1Fulbright, James W. 1Fulghum, Robert 7Fuller, Buckminster 8Fuller, Daniel 1Fuller, Elizabeth 1Fuller, Margaret 10Fuller, R. Buckminster 18Fuller, Thomas 140Fuller, Timothy 1Furlong, Edward 1Furstenberg, Diane von 2